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Posting Policies

Posting Policy

ALL postings on campus must have prior approval

Complete Posting Policy and Posting Locations

Recognized student organizations and Northwest Department postings can be added to digital displays in the Student Union, and details can be placed on the University Calendar.

Fraternity & Sorority Life social fraternities and sororities must first register their events with Fraternity & Sorority Life for approval prior to requesting posting approval.

Any form of solicitation must receive prior approval from Auxiliary Services (

Who Can Post

Recognized Student Orgs

Where To Get Posting Approval:

  • Bearcat Link: Create event on your organization's page OR
  • Get approval stamp at the Office of Student Involvement (J.W. Jones Student Union, 2nd floor)

Where Can Postings Be Placed:

  • With approval stamp, you can post on University boards.

Northwest Departments

Where To Get Posting Approval:

  • Did University Marketing & Communication create the posting for you?
    If so, it will bear their stamp and no additional approval needed.
  • Did your department create the posting?
    Send posting for approval by email to

Where Can Postings Be Placed:

  • With approval stamp you can post on University boards.

Businesses (non-Northwest), public organizations and private clients

Where To Get Posting Approval:

  • Email OR
  • Get approval stamp at the Office of Student Involvement (J.W. Jones Student Union, 2nd floor)

Where Can Postings Be Placed:

  • With approval stamp, you can POST ONLY ON PUBLIC/NON-UNIVERSITY BOARDS.

Postings MUST HAVE the following information CLEARLY STATED

  • Who is sponsoring the event = Student Org name, Northwest Department name or Public Entity
  • What is the event that is being promoted?
  • Where will the event take place? (Be specific)
  • When = what specific DATE and TIME will the event be held?
  • CONTACT INFORMATION such as a name, email, and phone number so people know who to contact.


  1. No postings on walls, doors or windows.
  2. No postings permissible in the bathrooms, except with express permission of the Office of Student Involvement.
  3. No postings on trees, fences, benches, lampposts, signs, monuments,or buildings or placed on parked cars.
  4. Postings may be attached with staples or push pins (tacks) to Bulletin Boards. No tape or glue is permitted.
  5. Postings must be removed within one week after the event;
  6. Postings may be no longer than 14 1/2 by 22 1/2 inches.
  7. NO INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT: pornography, obscenities, pictures or association to alcohol and/or illegal substances.
  8. Postings not in English need a translation on the posting.
  9. There may be only one posting hanging on each University Board.
  11. Unusual postings outside the norm (i.e. oversized, odd locations, etc.) Contact Mark Hendrix at 


  1. Reports of violations may be submitted to the Office of Student Involvement
  2. For minor violations such as failure to remove expired postings, covering or removing another posting, or hanging more than one posting per bulletin board, the following sanctions will be imposed:
    1. The first offense each academic year shall result in a written warning directed to the president of the org or the dept head.
    2. Each subsequent offense shall result in the loss of posting privileges for 15 weeks excluding Northwest Holidays beginning on the date the violation was submitted.
  3. For major violations such as forgery of approval or hanging an unapproved posting, the following sanctions may be imposed:
    1. Revocation of posting privileges for up to one academic year from the date of the decision.
    2. A monetary fine up to $25.00.
    3. In extraordinary cases, the charges and evidence may be turned over to local or state authorities.

Sidewalk Chalking Application Procedure/Policies

  1. Organizations must be registered with and recognized by Student Senate to chalk.
  2. A recognized organization that wishes to perform sidewalk chalking must submit a Sidewalk Chalking Application. Please print this form, complete it, and return to the Office of Student Involvement on the 2nd floor of the J.W. Jones Student Union.
  3. Applications must be received by the Office of Student Involvement at least one week in advance of the planned chalking.
  4. Upon submitting the Sidewalk Chalking Application, the organization will receive a limited supply of sidewalk chalk (while supplies last).
  5. Individuals submitting applications must submit either their organization’s Northwest ID#, or provide their own student ID# and sign the form, agreeing to these terms.
  6. Chalking may only be done on sidewalks and with non-permanent chalk.
  7. No inappropriate content (including, but not limited to pornography, obscenities, association to the dispensing of alcohol, and/or illegal substances) shall be made in the chalking.
  8. No libelous or discriminatory references shall be made in the chalking.
  9. Northwest Missouri State University’s policy is to allow up to two recognized organizations to post during the same period, not to exceed 2 weeks (Sun-Sat).
  10. Organizations are asked to rank preference of locations for chalking on the application.  If a second organization signs up for the same time period, the OSI will notify both organizations which locations they are allowed to chalk.
  11. Chalkings must be cleaned with soap and water within 2 days after the chalking end-date, or the ID# provided on the application will be charged a $10 fee per location.

Student Union Banner Policy

Banners may be hung on the exterior of the J.W. Jones Student Union only with prior written approval from the Student Affairs Office.


  1. Only banners promoting Northwest campus-wide events that everyone is invited to attend and is taking place on campus and organized by a campus organization or office will be approved
  2. Requests are approved on a first-come first-approved basis.
  3. A Banner Approval Request Form must be completed which will include a sketch or photograph of the banner. The Banner Approval Request Form must be submitted no later than 5 business days before the banner is requested to be hung. The exceptions are Homecoming or Greek Week banners. These banners are approved and hung by the Office of Student Involvement.
  4. Banners not in English should include English translation. Exceptions may be made for phrases that are of common knowledge.
  5. The banner must specify the recognized student organization or Northwest office sponsoring or co-sponsoring the event.
  6. Once approved, banners may be dropped off at the Student Affairs office to be hung. Banners will be hung by the Union staff only.
  7. Banners may be hung on the building no more than 7 days. Banners may be removed in less time if space is needed.  Damaged banners and/or banners that are hung on the building without approval will be removed. Banners will be taken down the day after the event. Banners may be picked up at the time, any banner not picked up after 1 week will be discarded.
  8. There are 24 spaces to hang banners. Each space is 105" (8'9") wide by 117"(9'9")tall. In order to hang a banner it must be smaller than these dimensions.
  9. Banners must include grommets at all four corners to be attached to the building. The exception is if the banners are using a wood 2"x2" or 1"x4" at the top, then there should be holes drilled through the wood or screw-in eyelets, to attach rope or bungee cords. Below is a diagram of a sample banner.
  10. Bungee cords will be provided for the banners that are a minimum of 6'x7' smaller banners must have ropes attached (see diagram below).
  11. The Sign Shop (ext. 1844) on campus is available to make professional banners. Please call as soon as possible to place your order and receive a price quote.


  1. Violations of the Banner Policy will be handled according to University Posting Policies.

